The Robot is relatively maintenance free and requires little in the way of maintenance. Since the parts that contact water are stainless steel they will wipe clean with a cloth (e.g. micro fibre cloth). There is no reason to put any parts of the Robot or the accessories in a dishwasher.
Cleaning after use, step by step
1. Lift the lever arms up and place a spare cup on the bottom plate.
2. Push the lever arms down, do this until you hear air hiss from the portafilter.
3. Remove the portafilter from the Robot and remove the filter screen.
4. Knock the puck out in Knockbox and you are ready for more coffee.
General cleaning info
The main body and bottom plate of the Robot can simply be wiped with a wet cloth. If the bottom plate has dried espresso stains you may need to wet the area with warm soapy water. Always wipe dry afterwards. The face of the piston and the piston seal can be wiped with a damp cloth in situ.
From time to time you may use a commercial coffee machine detergent, such as Puly Caff, Puro Caff, Urnex etc., to soak the parts in. In particular the portafilter, basket, and portafilter spouts would benefit most from this. Please refer to the manufacturers instructions for that. Rinse well with clean water afterwards.
You can use a silicone-based lubricant (e.g. Dow 111) and only to give the seal sheen on the piston seal.
It would be a good idea to pull a few hot water dummy shots with the pressurised basket every few months, this will keep the flow restrictor clear. An even better choice would be a very weak solution of an espresso machine cleaner, pull a few shots with that and then follow it up with plain hot water.